Admissions Requirements

Admissions requirements are as follows:

Complete an application, questionnaire and (2 teacher letters of recommendation ) if the child is elementary and middle school age.

Once this information is received the following applies:

Early childhood program - the child comes in for a child interview, spend approximately 30 minutes in the classroom to be assessed by the staff.
Elementary and middle school programs the student must spend the morning participating in the work cycle and conferencing with the teachers in an effort to assess the level of the child.
To streamline registration and to reduce errors, we have created PDF versions of all the enrollment forms. The files are listed and downloadable. You can then print the forms and send them in.

You will need Adobe Reader to view the forms and enter the information. Most computers already have Adobe Reader installed and it will automatically open when you click on the document. If you do not have Adobe Reader installed, you can get the latest version by visiting by clicking on the Get Adobe Reader button.

Enrollment FAQ's

What ages do you accept?
Early Childhood 3 years old through 8th grade (middle school)

My child is 3 years old. Do you have a half or full day program?
We offer a morning session, 8:25 AM – 11:30 AM, to students up until their kindergarten year.

Do you have an after school program?
After School is offered for 3 years old and older.

How much is tuition?
Please see the tuition rate charts near the bottom of this page

How is tuition paid?
Tuition is paid in full or on a 10 month installment plan. The monthly payment begins June 1st - March 1st.  We offer a full year payment discount.

Process & Placement

We accept student enrollment applications throughout the school year. It is highly recommended that families interested in our program tour the facility-meeting with the Director on the school’s mission and philosophy. Before the application process is completed, it is mandatory that your child spend at least one hour in a classroom working with other children, allowing our teachers the opportunity to assess skills, behavior and learning style- all important elements in making a good school and/or classroom match.

Carefully review our mission statement and philosophy found on our website. To request additional information you may complete a contact/inquiry form or call our office between the hours of 8am-4:30 pm. To schedule a tour or to speak with a member of our staff please call 770.788.7779 or email us.

After going on the tour pick up the application packet to be filled out in its entirety. Follow the checklist. Once completed turn it in to our main office along with the non-refundable $25 application fee. An annual enrollment fee of $300 per family is due upon registration.

To qualify as an accepted applicant, the match between the family’s educational goals for their child and the Montessori philosophy is highly important. Qualified applicants are then selected for available spaces. When a position is offered to your child you must secure the position with an enrollment fee and the first month’s tuition or forfeit the position.

Wait List
If a space is not available, qualified applicants will be placed on the respective class waiting list. You will be notified by phone when a space becomes available. When a position is offered to your child you must secure the position with a non-refundable enrollment fee or forfeit the position.

Classes are filled with an emphasis on balancing gender and ages within a room. Placements are determined by the educational team remaining true to Montessori philosophy. Students are accepted without regard to ethnicity, national origin, creed, or disability.

Pay It Forward Scholarship

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~Parents are also encouraged to consider the "Pay It Forward" Scholarship Program. For information visit