Lower Elementary goes to Rock House Creamery

Upper Elementary visits The Rock Ranch

Historical Halloween

Middle School helps EC garden

The middle school students enjoy helping the early childhood students with gardening. 

Early Childhood makes Black-eyed Pea Soup

The EC class enjoyed making black-eyed pea soup with the peas that were grown organically in their garden.

Covington Fire Comes to MSC

Thank you to the City of Covington Fire Department for bringing the ladder truck and talking about fire safety to  our students.

Peace Pole Ceremony 2019

We would like to give a big Thank You to the Upper Elementary Class, Ms. Kellie and Ms. Joanne for helping make our 2019 Peace Pole Ceremony a success. Below are a few pictures from the event. Also, you may click on the link below to watch the performance.

Magician Michael Boone comes to MSC

Habitat Halloween

MSC students and staff had a great Habitat Halloween. We paraded through Clark's Grove and had a day full of fun.

Middle School students visit CDC

Middle School students had a great time at the CDC Museum.

Brett Brooks comes to MSC

Brett Brooks, a local cartoonist, came to visit the Lower Elementary classroom for one our friend' s projects. He told the students about how he became a cartoonist and also talked to them about how they could become one too. The students were able to create their own character and named it, Bobot 2000. He was kind enough to donate some of his illustrations and a book that he wrote, "Why does the Jack-O-lantern smile?". We read the book in class today. If you would like to purchase the book below is a link to Brett's website.


Peace Pole 2018

MSC would like to thank everyone who attended our Peace Pole Ceremony on September 21, 2018.

We would like to give a big Thank You to the Upper Elementary Class and Ms. Joanne for helping make our 2018 Peace Pole Ceremony a success.


17th Annual Community Appreciation Luncheon

Thank You to everyone who helped with and attended our 17th Annual Community Appreciation Luncheon. 
It was a great success once again!

Scarecrow on the Square Winners

We won first place!

A big thank you to everyone who took their time to vote for our Scarecrow!  

We also want to thank everyone who put time and effort into creating our scarecrow!

Earth Day 2017

We had so much fun building fairy houses, gardening, cleaning up our community, having a picnic lunch with our friends and having sno-cones! Below are some pictures from our very busy Earth Day.